Monday, January 19, 2009

History in the making!

Tomorrow morning at 9AM we will watch Barack Obama become the first African American president of the United States! Come join us! This is an historic event that all of us are blessed to experience in our lifetime. It is significant that the students of Room 12 are seeing this occur in their childhood, while they are developing their hopes and dreams. We will follow the live TV coverage throughout the morning.

Students are hard at work on their "Whose Shoulders Do We Stand On?" poems, and will have writing homework each night this week. Every student will read a line of their poem as part of a larger class rap that we are working on together. We are preparing for our class performance at the school Social Justice Celebration which will take place next Thursday, January 29th at 6:30 PM. Please try to make sure that all of you attend- the students' writing is so powerful that it has already brought tears to my eyes. You can also come at 1:30 on the same day to view the all-school dress rehearsal.

I am rescheduling the family potluck for Friday, February 13th. This is the day before mid-winter break, and the last day of Family Involvement Week. Let's hope we don't get snowed out again! We will do an all-day game day: literacy and math games in the morning, and free choice games in the afternoon. Lunch will be at 12:15, and all family members are invited. Every student should bring some dish to contribute. Drop in to play games with your child at any point during the day, but definitely try to join us for lunch! We will do a short Valentine's day party for the last half hour of the day, but lunch will be real food. No junk food, please!

Please comment to this thread and let us know what you plan on bringing! I will bring a pot of spaghetti. I will also send out reminders as the day draws closer.

Happy birthday to Dr. King, and happy inauguration day to Barack Obama!

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